First Lethbridge Board Member for Wood’s Homes Shares His “Why”

It was over a decade ago that Travis Zentner received an important phone call. It was a friend, asking him to join the Wood’s Homes Gala Committee. The role itself wouldn’t be anything too demanding, but Travis still felt a personal connection to the opportunity.

Perhaps that personal connection had to do with his community-focused mindset. Growing up in Lethbridge, Travis began helping out at Cornerstone Funeral Home, the family business, at a young age. When Travis took over some years later, community and connection became even more important to him.

Throughout the years, members of the community have been – and continue to be – there for Travis to provide guidance and support. With the unique opportunity to support Wood’s Homes in front of him, Travis saw a great opportunity to work with an agency that was just as community-focused as he was.

Travis agreed, and three years after that phone call, he became the Gala committee chair. Since then, he continues to be a steadfast supporter of Wood’s Homes as his leadership within the agency grows.

Now, Travis is proud to represent Lethbridge on the Wood’s Homes Foundation Board of Directors, an important milestone for Wood’s Homes. This is the first time in its history that the organization has had a member of the Lethbridge community volunteer to join a board.

It’s his awareness of the importance of services like the Youth Shelter – a safe space for young people in need – that motivates Travis to share his time, business acumen, and energy with
Wood’s Homes. That, and his own children; knowing the immediate impact a mental health agency could have on his family and loved ones.

“I am so happy that a place like Wood’s Homes exists,” says Travis. “It’s a place that will care for you – not only your immediate physical needs, but your psychological needs as well.”

Having now attended his first board meeting, Travis shares that amplifying the community-focused voice of Lethbridge in this way is an exciting step for the organization.

“There are so many different people from so many different walks of life. It was nice to be able to be there and talk about Lethbridge’s story,” he says.

According to Director of Philanthropy, Bryan Goehringer, Travis’ representation is critical to Wood’s Homes services in Lethbridge and provides valuable, grassroots connection to the community.

“Travis’ commitment and leadership within the business community and as a philanthropist is so important. He’s been a big part of our fund-raising gala in the past, and someone who represents the values of Wood’s Homes,” says Bryan. “Wood’s Homes is incredibly grateful for the support Cornerstone Funeral Home has and continues to provide to our organization, as well as the leadership and influence Travis will bring as a valued board member.”

Travis’ call to serve Wood’s Homes is strengthened by its shared values with Cornerstone Funeral Home. “Wood’s Homes really resonates with the whole of Cornerstone, and the way that we value serving our community, the way that we value serving families that call upon us in their time of
need,” says Travis. “We’re both there for people in some of the darkest moments of their lives.”