Therapeutic Campus Care
These programs offer support for clients with a range of mental health and medical needs, along with symptoms of complex trauma, disruptive attachments, extreme behaviours, and emotional disturbances. This live-in treatment service identifies impact of maltreatment and trauma to use specific intervention.
Therapeutic Campus Care is offered on both our Bowness and Parkdale campuses (in northwest Calgary).
Bowness campus:
Cottages 1, 2 and 3 offer intensive therapeutic programs for children and young people (ages 11-17). This site is also home to:
- Phoenix Program
- Mobilization Services
- George Wood Learning Centre (for clients on this site).
Parkdale campus:
Cottages A, B, C and D programs include:
- Community Psychiatric Unit (CPU)
- Under 12 Program
- Youth Community Support Program (YCSP)
- Exceptional Needs Program (ENP)

Exceptional Needs
ENP is in partnership with Alberta Health Services providing intensive, family-centred service for young people (ages 12-17) to address acute mental health concerns and mitigate safety risks. Families are provided with clinical and skill-building sessions to support transition home. After-care, in-home support and community referrals are offered post-discharge.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 12-17

Under 12 (U12)
An intensive therapeutic program for children (ages 6-12). Clients have a broad range of mental health and medical needs along with symptoms of complex trauma, disrupted attachments, extreme behaviour and emotional disturbances. This program identifies impact of maltreatment and trauma to use specific intervention.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 6-12

Treatment for males (ages 12-17) who demonstrate sexually intrusive behaviour. Staff work with the family on developing a healthy approach to sexuality. Young people typically come with some form of forensic involvement and have also experienced their own histories of maltreatment and trauma.
- Calgary
- Family & Individual
- Ages 12-17

Mobilization Services
Mobilization Services (Therapeutic Campus Based Care (TCBC) – Cottages 1, 2, 3, Phoenix, U12) includes a multidisciplinary team of Master’s trained clinicians as well as Family Support Counselors who provide assessment, treatment, and aftercare services to the youth and families served by TCBC.
- Calgary
- Family & Individual
- Ages 6-17

George Wood Learning Centre
The school for clients who live on the Bowness campus. GWLC offers aftercare services through a mobilization day treatment program. Aftercare, in-home support, and referrals are offered post-discharge.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 11-18

Community Psychiatric Unit
CPU offers community-based stabilization for young people (ages 12-17) who have ben assessed or treated at acute-care settings such as a hospital. During the 10-14 day stay, psychiatric and clinical intervention is provided through family-centred care. Ongoing support after discharge and community referrals are offered.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 9-17

Youth Community Support Program (YCSP)
YCSP is a step-down service for young people (ages 13-17) and their families exiting acute inpatient mental health settings or formal treatment environments. Clients who come here have continuously accessed tertiary services with no stable resolution. Wood’s Homes shares decision making with Alberta Health Services to ensure comprehensive services.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 13-17