Lethbridge Community Supports

Mental Health Supports
Resources aimed at providing support for mental health and wellbeing, which may include counselling services, crisis interventions, support groups, educational recourses, and access to psychiatry.
- AHS Addictions and Mental Health (18+): https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?serviceAtFacilityId=1120856
- AHS Children, Youth & Family Addictions and Mental Health (Under 18): https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1060412&serviceAtFacilityID=1107526
- AHS Day Treatment Programming (18+): https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=3748&serviceAtFacilityID=1000165
- Addiction and Mental Health – Therapy Support Services – Child/Youth: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1084633&serviceAtFacilityID=1135119
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA): https://lethbridge.cmha.ca/
- The Community Crisis Beds: https://lethbridge.cmha.ca/programs/crisis-services/canadian-mental-health-crisis-beds/
- Family Centre: https://www.famcentre.ca/
- Lethbridge Family Services: https://www.lfsfamily.ca/
Online Resources:
- Wellness Together: DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE
- EaseCare: https://www.easecare.ca
- Wood’s Homes – Eastside Community Mental Health Services: https://www.woodshomes.ca/eastside-community-mental-health-services/
- Kids Help Phone: https://kidshelpphone.ca
Crisis Resources
Services offering immediate support for individuals in distress (emotional crises, mental health concerns, and urgent situations). Confidential support offered via phone, text, and online messaging.
- Sexual Violence One Line: 1 866 403 8000 CALL OR TEXT
- Family Violence Info Line: 310-1818
- Alberta Provincial Abuse Helpline: 1-855-443-5722
- First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Helpline: 1-855-242-3310
- LGBT Youthline: 1-800-268-9688
- Trans Lifeline: 1-877-330-6366
- Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
- Suicide Prevention Line: 988
- Safe Haven 24/7 Crisis Line: 403-223-0483
- Addiction Hotline: 1-866-332-2322
- Bullying Helpline: 1-888-456-2323
- Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-387-5437
- Mental Health Helpline: 1-877-303-2642
- National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC): 1-866-633-4220
- Talk Suicide Canada: 1-833-456-4566
- Sexual Assault Response Team (South Zone): 1-800-661-1700
- Youthspace.ca Text: 778-783-0177 (6pm-12am PST)
- Calgary Connecteen: 403-264-8336
- Black Youth Helpline: 1-833-294-8650
- Indigenous Support Line: 1-844-944-4744 (12pm-8pm Monday-Friday)
- Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line: 1-800-268-9688
- Talk4Healing: 1-855-554-4325 (By and for Indigenous women)
- 211 – Help find service needed
- Text for Hope Textline:
- Mental Health: HOPEAB to 393939
- Addiction Program: Open2Change to 393939
- Cancer Program: CancerCare to 393939
- LGBT Youthline: 647-694-4275
- Kids Help Phone: CONNECT to 686868
- 211 – Help find service needed
Addiction Supports
Resources for individuals struggling with substance use or addictions.
- AHS Addiction and Mental Health (18+): https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?serviceAtFacilityId=1120856
- AHS Children, Youth and Families Addiction and Mental Health (Under 18): https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1060412&serviceAtFacilityID=1107526
- Addiction and Mental Health – Mobile Family Services: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1084622&serviceAtFacilityID=1134923
- AHS Youth Treatment Centre: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?serviceAtFacilityId=1087751
- Indigenous Recovery Coach Program AAPAI’TSI’TAAPII’SAAM: https://www.indigenousrecoverycoaching.com/
- Prairie Treatment Clinic: http://www.methadonetreatmentlethbridge.ca/
- Supervised Consumption Service: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/info/Page16052.aspx
- Child, Youth and Families – First Steps: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1084703&serviceAtFacilityID=1134974
- McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Mobile Addiction Outreach: https://www.mcmansouth.ca/mobile-addiction-outreach
- Chinook Regional Hospital – Medically Supported Detox: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?serviceAtFacilityId=1120128
- Foothills – Adult Detoxification (18+): https://www.foothillscentre.ca/
- The Bringing the Spirit Home Detox Centre – Kottakinoona Awaahkapiiyaawa: https://btdh.ca/departments/bringing-the-spirit-home-detox/
- Fresh Start Recovery Centre: https://www.freshstartrecovery.ca/
- Southern Alcare Manor: https://www.southernalcaremanor.ca/
- Kainai Healing Lodge: https://btdh.ca/kainai-wellness-centre/
- Blood Tribe Youth Healing Centre: http://www.kainaicsc.ca/index.php/departments/blood-tribe-youth-wellness-centre
- Blood Tribe Youth Ranch: http://www.kainaicsc.ca/index.php/departments/blood-tribe-youth-ranch
Recovery Support Meetings
Local meetings where individuals in recovery from substance use or addiction come together to share experiences, provide mutual support, and receive guidance.
- SMART Recovery: https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/4102/
- AAWEAR: https://aawear.org/lethbridge/
- Al-Anon & Alateen: https://al-anon.org
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): https://www.aa.org
- Cocaine Anonymous: https://ca-ab.org/find-a-meeting/lethbridge/
- Narcotics Anonymous: https://chinookna.org/meeting-search/
- Gamblers Anonymous: https://albertaga.net
- Game Sense: https://gamesenseab.ca
- Cannabis Sense: https://cannabissense.ca/
- Drink Sense: https://drinksenseab.ca
- Recovery College: https://recoverycollegelethbridge.ca/
- The Eating Disorder Support a network of Alberta: https://edsna.ca
- Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous: https://www.foodaddicts.org/
- Overeaters Anonymous: https://www.oa-southernalberta.com
- McMan SMART Recovery: https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/4102/
Physical Health Resources
Access to medical professionals and programs aimed at addressing physical health needs, promoting wellness, supporting with recovery from injury or illness, sexual health, and pregnancy.
- Health Link: 811
- Chinook Regional Hospital: 403-388-6111
- Emergency Room Wait Times: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca
- Finding a Family Doctor: https://chinookprimarycarenetwork.ab.ca/
- Coaldale Ambulatory Clinic: 403-345-3075 https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1009081&serviceAtFacilityID=1049703
- AHS Sexual Health Clinic (403) 320-0110
- Telus Health App – Download on Android/Apple
Pharmacy Walk In Clinics:
- Superstore: 825-399-2015
- Shoppers Drug Mart North: 403-320-1470
- Shoppers Drug Mart South: 403-380-3057
- Shoppers Drug Mart West – University Drive: 403-380-3057
- MediCentres Haig West: 403-329-4361
Pregnancy Supports
- Lethbridge Pregnancy Care Centre: https://lethbridgepregcentre.com
- Better Beginnings: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=3791&serviceAtFacilityID=1120907
- Prenatal Education: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1000197&serviceAtFacilityID=1120973
- AHS Sexual Health Clinic: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?serviceAtFacilityID=1132104
- Child, Youth & Families – First Steps: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=1084703&serviceAtFacilityID=1134974
- Elsie’s House: https://www.lifelethbridge.org/elsieshouse
- Breastfeeding Support: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?id=3796&serviceAtFacilityID=1120953
- Nurture Family Feeding Clinic: https://www.nurturefeeding.com
Community Resources and Food Banks
Resources aimed at addressing basic needs such as food and clothing and improving quality of life for community members.
- Alberta Supports – Income Support: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-supports
- Fee Assistance Program – City of Lethbridge: https://www.lethbridge.ca/community-services-supports/community-social-development-csd/fee-assistance-program/
- Jump Start: https://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca
- Community Animal Services – Lethbridge: https://www.communityanimalservices.ca
- Money Mentors: https://moneymentors.ca
- Lethbridge Soup Kitchen: https://lethbridgesoupkitchen.ca
- My City Cares – Parellel Church: https://mycitycare.ca/
- St. Vincent de Paul Society: https://www.stmarthasparish.ca/society-of-st-vincent-de-paul.html
- The Salvation Army: https://www.lethbridgesalvationarmy.ca/
- Streets Alive – Mission: https://streetsalive.ca
- Youth One: https://www.youthone.ca/
Food Banks
- Lethbridge Food Bank: https://lethbridgefoodbank.ca/
- Interfaith Food Bank: https://interfaithfoodbank.ca/
Employment Resources
Services assisting individuals in finding and maintaining employment.
- Forward Life Impact: Forward Life Impact (FLI) • 5th on 5th Youth Services
- SAAMIS: https://saamisemployment.com/employment-services/
- Training Inc.: https://www.traininginc.ca
- Alberta Supports: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-supports
- Teamworks Career Centre: https://www.teamworktraining.ca
- Select People Solutions: https://www.selectrecruiting.ca/get-hired
- Ability Employment: https://abilityresource.ca/ability-employment
- Blood Tribe Employment & Skills Training (BTEST): https://bloodtribe.org/index.php/btest-swep/
- Flexibility Learning Systems LTD.: https://flexibilitylearning.ca
- Volunteer Lethbridge: https://volunteerlethbridge.com/for-volunteers/#become-a-volunteer
- Indeed Resume Guide: Resume Samples and Examples | Indeed.com
- ALIS Alberta: https://alis.alberta.ca/
Housing Supports and Resources
Services that help individuals and families find and maintain stable and affordable housing.
- Community LINKS Information & Referral: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/607da1d7fca1d44ec67bcbb1/t/650c98edc918536c841f1a38/1695324398519/CMHA%2BCommunity%2BLINKS%2BInfo%2Band%2BReferral%2BReferral%2BPathway%2BSept%2B2022.pdf
- Lethbridge Housing Authority: https://www.lethbridgehousing.ca
- Aboriginal Housing Society: https://m.facebook.com/AboriginalHousingSociety
- Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority: https://www.t7housing.com
- Laura House Group Living – CMHA: https://lethbridge.cmha.ca/programs/castle-supported-housing/laura-house-group-home/
- Elsie’s House: https://www.lifelethbridge.org/elsieshouse
- Blackfoot Lodge: https://m.facebook.com/blackfootfamilylodge
Other Housing Resources
- Landlord & Tenant Advisory Board: https://www.landlordandtenant.org
- Residential Tenancies Act: https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/documents/Acts/R17P1.pdf
- Lethbridge Rental Listings: https://www.lethbridgeica.ca/rental-listing
Shelter Services
Providing temporary housing and access to basic needs including food and clothing for individuals and families in crisis.
- Lethbridge Wellness Shelter & Stabilization Unit: https://btdh.ca/departments/lethbridge-shelter/
- YWCA Harbour House – Women’s Shelter: https://acws.ca/shelters/ywca-harbour-house/
- Safe Haven Women’s Shelter Society: https://www.tabersafehaven.ca/
- The CORE Youth Shelter – Wood’s Homes: https://www.woodshomes.ca/youth-connections-the-core/
- Kainai Women’s Wellness Lodge: http://www.kainaicsc.ca/index.php/departments/kainai-womens-wellness-lodge
Domestic & Sexual Violence
Support services offering crisis intervention, counselling, legal assistance, access to shelters, help regaining safety, and access to further resources.
- Chinook Sexual Assault Centre: https://csacleth.ca
- Chinook Child Advocacy Centre
- Lethbridge Corridor Victims Services: https://vsleth.ca
- Lethbridge Sexual and Reproductive Health: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Service.aspx?serviceAtFacilityID=1132104
- Stand Against Sexual Assault: https://standasa.com/
- Victim Services Alberta: https://www.victimservicesalberta.com/
- Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services: https://aasas.ca/
- Family Violence Info Line Chat: https://m2.icarol.com/ConsumerRegistration.aspx?org=2181&pid=10
- Alberta Works – Escaping Abuse Benefit: https://www.alberta.ca/family-violence-costs-leave
- Chinook Child Advocacy Centre: https://csacleth.ca/
- YWCA Harbour House: https://acws.ca/shelters/ywca-harbour-house/
- Safe Haven Women’s Shelter Society: https://www.tabersafehaven.ca/
- Kainai Woman’s Wellness Lodge: http://www.kainaicsc.ca/index.php/departments/kainai-womens-wellness-lodge
Indigenous Resources
Services tailored to supporting Indigenous individuals and communities, honoring Indigenous heritage, and addressing specific needs and challenges faced by Indigenous peoples.
- Opakaa’sin: https://www.opokaasin.org
- Blackfoot Resource Hub: https://bloodtribe.org/index.php/category/blackfoot-resource-hub/
- Spirit Café – Journey Together – AHSAPSSINI: Spirit Cafe — Lethbridge ICA
- Sik Ooh Kotoki Friendship Society: https://lethbridgefriendship.ca
- Sweetgrass Youth Alliance: https://m.facebook.com/SweetgrassYA/
- Sage Clan Patrol: https://sageclan.ca
- Native Counselling Services of Alberta: https://www.ncsa.ca
- White Eagle Youth Services: https://m.facebook.com/whiteeagleyouth
- Saamis Employment & Training Association: https://saamisemployment.com
- Red Crow College: https://www.redcrowcollege.com/about-us
2SLGBTQIA Supports
Resources providing assistance, advocacy, and safe spaces for individuals who identify as a part of the 2SLGBTQAI community, or other diverse sexual orientations and gender identifies.
- OUTreach Southern Alberta: https://www.outreachsa.org
- Centre for Sexuality: https://www.centreforsexuality.ca
- BGC LGBTQ2+ Hangout: https://bgclethbridge.com/index.html
- Lethbridge Pride: https://www.lethbridgepride.com
- Skipping Stones: https://www.skippingstone.ca
- Pflag Canada: https://pflagcanada.ca/
- Trans Life Line: https://translifeline.org/
- LGBT Youthline: https://www.youthline.ca/
- Trans Equality Society of Alberta: http://www.tesaonline.org/
- Egale: https://egale.ca/
- Queering Cancer – Inclusive Cancer Care: https://queeringcancer.ca/
- Funding for Transition Surgeries Info: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/dvi/Page15676.aspx
Legal Resources
Services providing assistance with access to legal support, navigating legal processes, and addressing legal challenges.
- Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board: https://www.landlordandtenant.org
- Legal Aid Alberta Phone: https://www.legalaid.ab.ca
- Native Counselling Services of Alberta: https://www.ncsa.ca
- Lethbridge Legal Guidance: https://www.lethbridgelegalguidance.ca
- Office of the Child and Youth Advocate: https://www.ocya.alberta.ca
Disability Supports
Services that assist individuals with disabilities in accessing necessary resources and supports, improving their quality of life, enhancing independence, and ensuring equal opportunities.
- Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD): https://www.alberta.ca/persons-with-developmental-disabilities-pdd
- McMan FASD: https://www.mcmansouth.ca/fasd-lifespan-program
- Family Ties Association: https://familyties.ca
- SASH: https://www.sashab.org
- SACLA: https://sacla.ca
- Key Connections Consulting: https://keyconnectionsconsulting.com
- Edenbridge Family Services Inc: https://edenbridge.ca
- Quest Support Services: https://www.questsupport.com
- Peak Support Services: https://peaksupportservices.org
- Lethbridge Family Services DaCapo Disability Service: https://www.lfsfamily.ca/dacapo-disability-services
Resource Guides
Access to a comprehensive list of services and resources available in Lethbridge and area.
- Getting Connected: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/607da1d7fca1d44ec67bcbb1/t/63126631005c11042139b66f/1662150195302/Getting+Connected+Booklet+Sept+2022+Electronic+Version.pdf
- Community Links Lethbridge: https://www.lethbridgeica.ca