Wood's Homes Blog

Our Staff Voices

Altadore Success Story: Meet Jeremy

What does ‘family’ mean to you? For a large majority of us, family is our blood-relatives; mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters. But for others, the term ‘family’ takes on a very different meaning.

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Help for Parents & Caregivers

Regaining Control: The Hidden Struggle Behind Eating Disorders

Life is a constant balancing act, and emotions can sometimes feel overwhelming. Stress, anxiety, sadness, excitement—these feelings can be tough to navigate. When things feel out of control, we instinctively seek ways to cope. Some coping mechanisms, like exercising, talking to a loved one, or practicing mindfulness, are healthy. Others, however, can become harmful over time.

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Our Staff Voices

The power of found family

What does ‘family’ mean to you? For a large majority of us, family is our blood-relatives; mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters. But for others, the term ‘family’ takes on a very different meaning.

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Our Staff Voices

Foster and Kinship Caregiver Month – We could not do it without you!

October is Foster Parent Appreciation Month, the time of year when we get to celebrate the hard work and dedication that foster parents display every day. The Foster Care Network of families at Wood’s Homes is made up of diverse cultures, each with its own unique style. Yet, they all share the same collective goal: to provide a safe and secure home to children in need of someone to listen, support, and care for them during a vulnerable time in their lives.

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Our Staff Voices

The Importance of ReconciliACTION

As we settle into the first couple weeks of September, we are gently reminded of the transition of the seasons, particularly through the cooler mornings, earlier sunsets, and changing colors of the leaves. It is also a time of preparation and reflections on the blessings that were bestowed upon us in the spring and summer, as we get increasingly ready for the colder months that lie ahead.

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Our Staff Voices

My journey when my child came out as transgender

When my child came out as transgender, my world turned upside down in an instant. As a parent, you spend years imagining what your child’s life will be like, dreaming of their future, and nurturing the person you believe them to be.

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Our Staff Voices

Summer Solstice – Relationship with the Sun

Looking around the many communities today there is lots to be happy about. The way the light is being shone on many indigenous peoples and communities. I am proud to be an indigenous person and see many others standing with pride!

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